5 Quotes & Sayings By Margherita Hack

Margherita Hack is an Italian journalist, author, and television personality. Before turning to writing, she worked for the Italian RAI TV channel. She has written several books, including Il ponte di Brooklyn (Brooklyn Bridge) and Un libro di famiglia (A Family Book). Her novel La città dei fiori (The City of Flowers) was translated into English and was made into a film starring Silverio Paleari Read more

Margherita Hack is also known for her work on Italian TV; she hosts daily talkshows, mainly on cultural subjects, on the Italian Canale 5 channel.

Us atheist people, we believe we have to act properly and honestly for a moral principle and not because we expect an award in Paradise. Margherita Hack
It’s not God who gave us moral laws, but this doesn’t make them less important Margherita Hack
Eva’s only fault has been the one of wanting to know more, to experiment and search with her own sources the laws of the Universe, of her own body and to refuse the teachings from “above”. Eva, basically, represents the curiosity of science against the passive acceptance that belongs to faith. Margherita Hack
I think our brain is our soul. I don’t believe in after-life and much less in a sort of buildings-like heaven, where you meet friends, enemies, relatives. Margherita Hack